Our Portfolio

The science of farming, including the study of soil, plants, and animals, and ways to improve the production of food on farms:
Agronomy encompasses work in many areas including plant genetics, crop rotation, irrigation, and food production.

BAMB provides advisory role to the livestock farming community throughout all the business centres and also sells veterinary requisites. BAMB sells a broad range of vaccines, dips, dewormers, antibiotics, veterinary instruments, antibiotics, mineral and vitamin supplements for livestock and poultry. All business centres have trained and qualified Sales Agents to offer appropriate advice to the livestock farming community.

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Beef cattle can utilize roughages of both low and high quality, including pasture forage, hay, silage, corn (maize) fodder, straw, and grain by-products. Cattle also utilize nonprotein nitrogen in the form of urea and biuret feed supplements, which can supply from one-third to one-half of all the protein needs of beef animals.